Woodee Pizza

Love pizza? Have a fire pit? Well here’s a brilliant way of cooking delicious pizzas outside over fire without the need for a pizza oven.


  • 500g Strong white flour

  • 2 tsp salt

  • 7g sachet fast-action yeast

  • 3 tbsp olive oil

  • 300ml tepid water

  • Jar of pizza sauce

    Your choice of

    • onions

    • Peppers

    • Mushrooms

    • Ham

  • Dried oregano

  • Grated Mozzarella cheese

  • Black pepper

Let’s Cook

Mix the flour, salt, yeast and oil in a large bowl and add enough water to make a soft but not sticky dough. Knead for 8-10 minutes or until smooth to the touch. Put into a lightly oiled bowl to rise for one hour or until doubled in size.

Lightly grease a cake tin that will fit into the Dutch oven, and line with a disc of baking parchment.

Tear off a piece of the dough and roll out as thin as you can and place it into the bottom of the tin. Spread some of the pizza sauce over the dough and then you can add whatever toppings you like, finally finishing with some mozzarella cheese. Sprinkle with some dried oregano and a little black pepper.

When the fire is hot, put the dutch oven directly onto the coals in the centre of the fire pit to heat up. After a couple of minutes remove it from the fire and place it on the floor. Then pull the embers away from the centre of the fire to leave a space to put the dutch oven in. 

Meanwhile, place the pizza in the tin into the dutch oven and pop the lid on. Return the dutch oven to the fire pit and put hot coals on top of the lid. This will create top heat and brown the pizza.

Depending on the heat of the fire cook for 6-15 minutes or until brown on top. While one is cooking you can make another ready to go straight into the oven.


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