The Ploughman's Recipe

What you’ll need:

  • Ploughman’s Smores
  • Asparagus wrapped in ham
  • Sausages with a honey and mustard glaze
  • Grilled apples
  • Celery
  • Grapes
  • Cherry tomatoes

Asparagus with Ham

  • Bunch of fresh Asparagus – trimmed
  • Hereford Ham dry-cured, air-dried and washed in Herefordshire cider

Honey and Mustard Glaze

  • Honey
  • Whole grain mustard

Let’s Cook

Asparagus wrapped in Ham

  1. Wrap pieces of the ham around each stem of asparagus. In groups of 3 push cocktail ticks through each one, top and bottom to secure. (This will keep the ham in place and it will make it easier to turn the asparagus on the grill)
  2. Grill for 5 minutes on each side or until tender.

Honey and Mustard Glaze

  1. Cook the sausages on the grill or cooking tray, they could take up to 30 minutes to cook.
  2. Mix equal parts of these two ingredients together and when your sausages are cooked spoon or brush over the glaze and toss the sausages around so that they are evenly coated; remove from the heat ready to serve.

Caramelized Apples

  1. Cut the apples into 1/4 and remove the core, cut each quarter in half, place onto the grill and cook on each side until they start to caramelize.

The Woodee Ploughman’s S’mores

  • Round Cheese Biscuits
  • Goats Cheese round with rind on (keep it well chilled)
  • Chutney
  1. Cut the Goats cheese into discs, and place onto the hot cooking tray. Leave for a one minutes before turning, cook for another minute before placing onto a cheese biscuit.
  2. Spoon a little of your favourite chutney on top of the cheese and finally place another biscuit on top.
  3. Arrange all on a sharing plate with the celery, grapes, cherry tomatoes and some salad leaves. Enjoy!

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