The Best Sticky Toffee Pudding

What’s your favourite pudding to cook outdoors over fire? Mine is definitely Sticky Toffee Pudding cooked in a Dutch oven. Try it, you’ll love it!


  • 200g soft dried pitted dates, roughly chopped

  • 200ml water from a freshly boiled kettle

  • 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda

  • 75g butter or margarine

  • 2 tbsp black treacle

  • 50g light muscovado sugar

  • 2 eggs,

  • 150g plain flour

  • 2 tsp baking powder

  • 1 jar of salted caramel sauce

  • 8" solid based cake tin

  • Dutch oven

Let’s Cook

Prepare your cake tin by greasing it well with a little soft margarine

Using a Dutch oven place a tin dish upside down or a wire rack in the bottom of the oven.

Put the chopped dates, boiling water and bicarbonate of soda into a bowl, stir, and then leave for 10 minutes.

Cream the fat, black treacle and sugar together with an electric whisk until light and fluffy. Beat the eggs in one at a time until completely incorporated, then gradually whisk in the flour and baking powder.

Slowly whisk in the soaked dates and liquid to the cake mixture.

Pour the batter into the prepared cake tin and using two strips of foil underneath the cake tin, in a criss-cross way, this will allow you to lift the tin in and out of the Dutch oven safely without burning your fingers.

Place the cake tin on top of the upside-down tin or rack and then put the Dutch oven into the centre of the fire pit. Cook for about 40-50 minutes or until cooked.

While you are waiting, place the opened jar on the Dutch oven lid to warm through.

When cooked spread over some of the caramel sauce and allow to soak in before serving.


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