Tahini Veggie Stir Fry

Recipe from our cookout live Saturday 23rd January - Tahini Veggie Stir Fry.

Throw off those January blues with this delicious recipe packed with superfoods to give your immune system a boost. Cooked outside over fire, the whole process of cooking and eating outside will leave you feeling revitalised, calmer and happy. Give it a go!

Serves 4


  • 50g Tahini

  • Zest and juice 1 lemon

  • 2 tbsp olive oil

  • 1 red onion, thinly sliced

  • 1 garlic clove, finely chopped

  • 1 red pepper, thinly sliced

  • 200g tender stem broccoli

  • 1 courgette, sliced into half-moons

  • 100g shredded kale

  • 250g pack pre-cooked quinoa/rice

  • Handful of pinenuts

Let’s Cook

In a jug, mix the Tahini with the zest and juice of the lemon and 50ml of cold water to make a runny dressing. Season to taste, then set aside.

Heat the oil in the cooking tray. Add the red onion, along with a pinch of salt, and fry for 2 minutes until starting to soften and colour. Add the garlic, pepper, tender stem broccoli and courgette and fry for 5 min, stirring frequently. Add a splash of water to create some steam and this will help to cook the vegetables through.

On the side of the cooking tray add the pinenuts and toast for a couple of minutes.

Throw in the kale and the pre-cooked quinoa/rice pouch, toss all together and allow the kale to show signs of wilting and the quinoa/rice are hot.

Add the Tahini dressing. Mix well together, to allow the sauce to heat through.

Serve in bowls with the pinenuts sprinkled on top. Enjoy!

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