Looking after your fire pit

Your Fire Pit has been designed to survive the harsh British weather and constant use. It is durable, substantial and well built. You will either have a mild carbon steel fire pit or a stainless steel one. As stainless steel doesn’t rust it is easier to look after. However, to keep either in the best possible condition follow our advice…

Clean it out

In between uses, it is a good idea to clean out the ash. The reason for this is that ash and other debris will retain water and this can make it abrasive to the mild steel fire pit.

Once the ash is cold, the easiest way to empty it out is to use a dustpan and brush. You can then add this to your compost heap or garden. If you have one, put the lid on; this will help protect the metal base from rain and wet weather. If you don’t have a lid, don’t worry, the oak leaf cut out in the base will ensure any rain will drain effectively through it.

How to clean your fire pit

We recommend giving your fire pit a good clean inside and out, every now and again, especially if you are using your fire pit for cooking on as it may become greasy. We have not covered the fire pit with any type of coating and the markings on your fire pit are natural makers marks. You can not do any damage to it by using a wire brush on it, it will just add to the patina.

A stainless steel fire pit will naturally change colour as you use it. It will go from the shiny silver colour at new to a honey colour with tinges of blue, pink and yellow depending on how hot it gets; it could also eventually go black with soot. As stainless steel does not rust the same way mild steel does, you can use a pressure washer to good effect on a stainless steel fire pit. Used in conjunction with a wire brush or wire wool, this method of cleaning can be very effective. Just to note, you will not get it back to the shiny silver finish, but you can attain a pale honey colour with a bit of elbow grease.

If you have a mild steel fire pit, go straight to the wire brush! Giving the whole fire pit a scrub down inside and out with a wire brush will remove the fine layer of oxidising metal (rust) and leave a shiny smooth finish. Sweep this out and discard - don’t put it on your garden/compost heap.

Treating your mild steel fire pit

In order to maintain your mild steel fire pit, work in some beeswax polish (vegetable oil is another alternative) all over and on the legs. It will keep your fire pit from oxidising further by giving it a layer of protection against the elements. It will also bring out the patina in the metal. Be aware though that this natural layer will burn off when the fire pit is lit. Therefore this is a good routine to follow if you are putting it away over the winter.

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