Easter Chocolate Brownies

If you’re looking for a chocolatey Easter pudding - try our Chocolate Brownies cooked outdoors over the fire - gooey and delicious - perfect for sharing with your family and bubble.


  • 123g margarine

  • 123g good dark chocolate

  • 56g plain flour

  • 14g cocoa powder

  • 2 large eggs

  • 183g caster sugar

  • Mini Easter Eggs or chocolate chunks

  • 20cm square tin

  • Baking parchment

Let’s Cook

Break the dark chocolate into small pieces and put into the bowl with the margarine.

Fill a small saucepan about a quarter full with hot water, then sit the bowl on top so it rests on the rim of the pan, not touching the water. Put over a low heat until the fat and chocolate have melted, stirring occasionally to mix them. Remove the bowl from the pan.

Alternatively, cover the bowl loosely with cling film and put in the microwave for 40 seconds on High. Give it a stir, if not completely melted pop back in the microwave for another 20 seconds. Leave the melted mixture to cool to room temperature.

Prepare your tin by lining with a square of baking parchment.

Break the eggs into a large bowl and tip in the caster sugar. Whisk the eggs and the sugar together with an electric whisk until thick and creamy, and forms a wrinkle like pattern on the surface. You’ll know it’s ready when the mixture becomes really pale and about double its original volume.

Pour the cooled chocolate mixture over the eggy mousse, and then gently fold together with a rubber spatula, add the flour and cocoa and fold these in too, pour into the prepared tin. Place a metal trivet or cooling rack in the bottom of the Dutch oven and put the brownie tin on top, cover with the lid. Place the Dutch oven into the bottom of the fire pit with the hot coals pulled to the outside.

Cook for 15-20 minutes (depending on how hot the fire is) keep checking to see how the brownie is cooking, when almost cooked remove it from the fire pit and leave for another 10 minutes, this will continue to cook the cake and avoid the bottom from getting burnt.

Lift out of the Dutch oven and allow to cool in the tin before lifting out and cutting into squares.


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